Self Connection
Just as the moon comes to illuminate areas in our lives, I’d like to also shed some light on the essence of Asana, its importance, and how it’s not only about having a physical practice, but also about self connection.
Asana simply means ‘seat’. A seat is a way that we place our bodies on the earth, or we could say, a relationship between our body and the earth.
What is the earth? It’s the ground beneath our feet and what supports us, but it is also, in a wider sense, every being that we share this earth with. In the Jivamukti Yoga method we call asana “as a way to perfecting our relationships with others”. This way, yoga becomes less something we ‘do’ and more something we ‘are’.
In this full moon in Libra we are being pulled to see clearly who we are in our relationships; to long for clarity and understanding.
The true essence of the union that yoga speaks of is simply love.
That is yoga – a relationship.
As the pink moon rises upon our horizons, and our emotions swell with the tides, the broader landscape is illuminated.
We can see our sea of relations, how they have carried us, how we have kept each other afloat, how they have shaped us.
In the mirror of self-reflection, we clearly see.The karmic patterns, the thematic lessons, the accumulated overlays.
This is a junction with a vista, to see clearly from all the directions.
We breathe deep for resilience, summon courage, trust our inner knowing.
Lovingly untie the knots, gently release the binds with grace forgiveness.
Knowing these once shadowed illuminations, bare the truth which will ultimately bring us closer to the harmony we all long for.
We are being carried
We are being fine tuned
love, love, love
~Mijanou from MYSTYC MAMMA
It doesn’t matter how many hours you practice yoga or meditate by yourself, the union of being in relationship with others is what will eventually heal you, and the world. Yoga teaches us that isolation and separation are the root cause of suffering, and connection is the essence of healing. This union that is referred to, is not just an intellectual idea, but more an experiential reality, an amazing experience of life itself.
If you ask me what has been going through my mind this weekend it’s the constant question of- What do I continue to seek out? And I think my answer continues to be that I yearn to see myself at my core not so differentiated.
The ego, the ahaṃkāra (literally the I-maker) separate self , always plays small, only motivated by short-term benefits; it is prone to doubt and anxiety, while soul-driven individuals are not really concerned if their work is praised or criticized; they are steady forces of good. They are magnets for like-hearted people, and everything they do benefits the collective.
Śrāddha in Sanskrit means that ‘which is placed in the heart’. It also refers to a concept similar to faith, drive, or purpose.
I see it like this: faith is not so much what I place on someone or something outside of myself but rather (as described once by my teacher Monica Jaggi) faith is a powerful impelling spontaneous force that arises from within that rallies and activates every layer of our being.
As we strengthen our Śrāddha, we too can become alchemists of life in a very tangible way. We can learn to listen to the divine song of our hearts and lean towards that full self connection. We can navigate uncertainty with a sense of trust in our inner wisdom, with the heart as our compass.
Use your heart to guide you to connect. We’ll keep you elevated, groovy and grounded at the Asana Groove Studio in Madrid. Check our schedule here to book.”
Yours Truly,