Asana Groove

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Positive Vibes and Negative Ions

Are you creating Positive Vibes and Negative Ions?

“We don’t need science to tell us how good it feels when we jump in the ocean, dive under a waterfall, climb to the top of a mountain or take a hike under the trees. Although, if you were looking for confirmation, you’ve come to the right place.”

How To Create Negative Ions

Waterfalls, rivers, rain, and seas contain negative ions that create all sorts of healing reactions in the body which is one of the reasons why we feel so good when we expose ourselves to these magic forces of crashing water. We inhale the negative ions—also present in forests and mountain air— and once they reach our bloodstream, they produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our energy. In short, when it comes to ions, a positive is a negative and a negative is a positive.

If you’re reading this post it’s because you’re probably holding or are in front of a positive ion creating device such as a cell phone, computer, or some sort of electronic apparatus which, unfortunately, when used during long periods of time, can be harmful to the body, especially to your immune system and mood. Air-conditioning systems, fluorescent lights, paint, TVs, and air pollution are a few other positive ions generators. So how do we counteract this positively charged electromagnetic field that we’re constantly exposed to? We ought to balance the equation out and bring in more of the negative ion goodness biz.

The most efficient way to get these negative friends in your system is to get out in nature! Sit next to a waterfall or ocean, walk under trees, go earthing or go outside after a heavy rain and fill yourself up with fresh healing electron giving goodness.

If you can’t be outside, try these at home or at work:

  • Himalayan Salt Lamp (we have one at our Asana Groove Studio in Madrid). Place it wherever you spend a good deal of time in your home. They counteract the electronic vibrations and excessive positive ions caused by electronic devices in the home.

  • Burn beeswax candles.

  • Get a negative ion generator for your home.

  • Indoor water fountain.

  • Have tourmaline crystals near you or even wear them.

  • Get a negative ion wristband or a magnetic bracelet to help reduce positive ion levels and positive vibes in the body.

Train Your Mind 

Aside from the fact that negative ions produce all sorts of healing reactions in the body, negative situations can also be a positive! Let me explain myself: whenever we are stuck in the thick of our negative tendencies, we have the chance to catch ourselves and say ahá! Here we go again... we’re heading down the stress/anxiety/fear rabbit-hole storm. And just as the breath precedes movement by a microsecond in VINYASA, so can we precede the stress peak by choosing to hold the storm with awareness.  We can transform ourselves from the thick of our negativity into the freshest/brightest version of our SELF if we allow ourselves to expand our vision and create a wider loving perspective so as to not get stuck in the micro world of the problem.

Traditionally (I say traditionally because fitness is not only measured by BPM) a fit person is he/she who is able to recover the fastest from an intense cardio training and he/she who takes the longest (time) while exercising to get to their maximum heart rate.

If we compare this heart rate peak to a stressful situation that life may throw at us at any point of the day, the more mentally fit we are at noticing our thoughts and patterns, the longer it will take for us to actually get barreled into the fretting anxious wave and the faster it will be for us to get out of it and back to a steady joyful state.

So, if you train your mind it will take longer for us to be persuaded into the depths of our fear loop and it will be a lot quicker for us to recover.

Meditation and conscious breathing/moving practices are my main mind-trainers to keep an open lens of loving awareness towards myself and others.

Healing is having the courage to learn to witness yourself + the world around you with loving awareness.

Healing is having the courage to learn to witness yourself + the world around you with loving awareness. 

Healing is not about analyzing yourself and your life; it’s about returning to our bodies, and leaving the ego chatter of the mind. 

Healing is remembering who you actually are: whole, worthy and complete. - The Holistic Psychologist.

How are you creating positive vibes and negative ions?

“Come move with us at the Asana Groove Studio in Madrid and lets create the energy we want to attract to bring you positive vibes and negative ions. We’ll keep you elevated, groovy and grounded. Check our schedule here to book.”

Yours truly,
