Asana Groove

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What’s your WHY

Not the ones you use to cover up, but the real WHY’S that allow you to show up as your BRIGHTEST & TRUEST SELF in life for yourself and others. Now more than ever as we observe our world crumbling down in violence and hate, we must stand firmly on our foundations in order to move forward wholesomely and coherently.

Why do you want to do yoga? Why do you want to eat well, change to plant-based, meditate, or exercise?  I challenge you to go deeper than you’ve ever gone with yourself and ask your soul , “ what’s your why “ and in the deepest truth of yourself ask “what do I crave? What am I here to do?”

It took me a while to shed off my superficial “why’s” like “I want to be more flexible” or “I want to have more energy” or “I want to stop being anxious” or “I want to lose weight.” Nothing wrong with those desires, but they’re not the deepest why’s, nor are they inspiring. In my search for why’s I came across Jivamukti Yoga in 2011.

“Jivan” means “individual soul”, “mukti” comes from “liberation.” The original word Jivanmuktih refers to “one who is liberated while living;”one who is still operating in the world, still seen as an individual by others, but doesn’t have that separate self as the core of their experience.

So here is my WHY today:

I focus on mind-body-soul practices like yoga & meditation in order to:

  • Feel free from my mind, and realize that I am not just the body, and I am not just the mind, but my true SELF goes way beyond that.

  • Feel in my core not so differentiated, but rather see myself in others and others in myself.

  • Collect my energy and direct it towards joy & expansion.

  • See your existence and my own existence as absolutely fundamental.

  • See that deep deep down and far far in we are the structure of existence itself, which is Sat-chit-ananda: truth, consciousness, and bliss. In Hindu and Yogic philosophy Sat-chit-ananda means the source of all consciousness and all perfection.

  • Realize the unity and wholeness of all.

  • Realize that nothing is fixated. Life is in constant flux and movement. We must match that movement and engage in a continuous process of letting go in order to transform and evolve.

  • Observe how we and all the stars of the universe are a celebration. Nature’s beauty is the celebration that existence IS.

So, what’s your why ?

“Come move with us at the Asana Groove Studio in Madrid and together we can ask our WHY’s to find our truest selves . We’ll keep you elevated, groovy and grounded in our Jivamukti classes. Check our schedule here to book.”

Yours truly,
